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  1. The product must be maintained and operated in accordance with the manufacturers instructions & specifications
  2. Lighting and Electrical Accessories must be installed by a licensed Electrician.
  3. Warranty dates commences from the date of purchase
  4. Products & components are provided with a 12 month Warranty.
  5. L.E.D. Products are provided with a 3 year warranty for Domestic and 2 years for Commercial.
  6. Should the product prove to be defective within this period the Company shall at its discretion replace or repair the defective goods free of charge.
  7. Exclusions from Warranty
    1. Incorrect Installation
    2. Misuse of the product
    3. Fair Wear & Tear
    4. Extreme Environmental Conditions outside Manufacturers Specifications
    5. Unauthorized Modification
    6. Damage arising from an intervening cause
  8. Procedure
    1. Complete all details on Warranty Application form
    2. Email to GBS Pty Ltd for Processing
    3. A GBS P/L Representative will contact you.
    4. Incorrect or Incomplete Forms will delay processing